Monthly Memos, Forms, Links and Resources
4-C CACFP has many resources to help you succeed in the Food Program. Below are past monthly provider memos as well as useful forms. Food program memos include information on program updates, reminders and rule changes. This information applies to 4-C Food Program participants only.
4-C CACFP Memos
The list below includes required forms for participation in the 4-C Child and Adult Care Food Program. Consult your 4-C Nutrition Consultant for questions and more information.
Income Eligibility Forms
Additional Links and Resources
The following links include general information on childhood nutrition. The information is not specific to the 4-C Food Program but is meant to give participating providers nutrition information related to children to support their efforts to serve nutritious meals and snacks.
Choose My Plate
Eat Right (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)
Ellyn Satter Institute
Food Research Action Center
Healthy Children
Institute of Child Nutrition
USDA Food + Nutrition Information Center