Please note in regards to training certificate requests:

  • You must provide both the full first and last names of the person who attended the training, the name of the training, as well as the month/year the training took place. We are regrettably unable to process certificate requests that are missing any of this information.
  • In August of 2008 the 4-C building was destroyed by a fire. We are unable to issue certificates for any trainings occurring before then.

Training Certificate Request Form

Please note: No certificates can be issued for trainings prior to 2008

Requested Information:

Contact Information:

You can fax at 608-271-5380 or mail to:

Attn: Training

5 Odana Court
Madison, WI 53719

Once we establish proof of attendance, we will contact you in order to discuss payment and the method of getting you your certificate(s).