School’s out for the summer meaning kids have a surplus of free time on their hands. It can be easy to turn to technology for entertainment, but their investment in online gaming and social media can quickly turn into a lack of sunshine. Keep your kids constructively occupied with these low-cost summer activities.

Crack Open a World of Possibilities

Speaking of low-cost activities, checking out a library book is free! Reading has a ton of benefits such as improving memory, reducing stress by up to 86%, and building vocabulary. Encouraging your kids to read is great not only for the summer but for the rest of their lives! Libraries also offer different kids activities like summer reading lists and children’s programs. These programs can range from book readings and puppet shows to board game tournaments and book clubs. Check out this helpful list to find a library near you.

Spring into Summer with Exciting Outdoor Fun

Gardening is a great way to spend time with your kids and get them outside! Whether it’s indoors, outdoors, or in the community, gardening teaches children responsibility and how to care for the environment. If you’re looking for something more active, taking your kids swimming is a great way to beat the heat and keep them occupied for a minimal cost. Not only that, but swimming is a great exercise, it’s a way for your child to make friends, and it might lead to discovering a new hobby! Wisconsin is home to a number of outdoor pools, natural beaches, and swimming holes. Here’s a great resource to find a place to swim near you.

Four diverse children in garden holding potted seedlings

Effective Learning STEMS From Fun

Looking for something inexpensive, fun, but also educational? There are a ton of different STEM-based activities to ensure your kids have a great summer. Teach your kids about chemical reactions with this great experiment that involves just vinegar and baking soda. Is chemistry not interesting enough? Teach your kids basic engineering by making this simple catapult. Making learning fun is not only a great way to spend the summer, but it’s also beneficial for when they go back to school. You can also find more fun and educational activities on our Pinterest page, or read through resources and tips on our 4-C blog!